Sunday, 28 November 2010

Missing you already!!

Yesterday, Rafferty (aka Little Blaze) went home to live with Richard, Emma, Harry and Barnaby.  Here is Barnaby looking a bit dischuffed with the intruder on his mummy's knee!  Apparently he had been awake for all his journey home and then slept the last 5 minutes. On arriving at his new home, he walked in, found the water bowl, had a drink and checked out Barnaby's food bowl before he had his own food and settled down to with his new family.  Looking forward to meeting him at training as we start the working chocolates movement with wit, repartee and tongue in cheek competition for the best trained chocolate labrador :-D

Harry also went off, quite happily, to join his new family.  He is surely being richly loved already and I will see him again at Christmas and, hopefully he will also join the previously mentioned movement :)

Bramble had, of course been used to sharing her cage with Harry.  She was fine for most of the day.  I have to admit then, early evening, she seemed to realise someone was missing!  I found a nice soft toy dog that Molly and Teasle carry around and popped that in with her. She settled down and at bed time, when her cage was covered over, she settled to sleep quite happily. She seems quite content currently settled on the vet bed with her head on the toy dog. She will keep that unless she starts to chew it up. I started to settle them all down at 9pm last night. Consequently Bramble was asking to go out at 6am.  Still not bad, she had been clean and dry all night so it 

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