Saturday, 20 November 2010

Just a spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down!

Well, Blazey Blaze ( who will soon have a new name) is the little guy who went to the vet yesterday. His foot was still sore although not getting worse and I just wanted it checked. He went into the same room that he was in an hour after he was born as his cord had ripped too close to the tummy and just needed a ligature to stop it bleeding. He was as good as gold then as he is now.  He has been inside in a cage for over a week now to keep his paw clean and bathed in salt water every couple of hours.  Indeed, he was put out before we went, then into the car, waited in the waiting room was seen by the vet who said the toe was slightly infected; just needing some antibiotics and continue bathing.  He was winging a bit, and I expected a puddle in the box.  However, despite having to wait out a trip to the garden centre (discussed in the previous post)  he waited until we got home and when I put him out he did a very long wee. What a stirling chap!!!  He wasn't too impressed with the antibiotic though, that took some manipulation to get it down in tiny bits. Consequently, this morning, I crushed it and put it on a teaspoon with some honey - now that was a different matter altogether - went down very quickly :)  That's a boy with a sweet tooth!!!

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