Tuesday 16 August 2011

A Great Day’s Training!!!

Triple woooo hoooo! Just been out with my girls. After consultation with our illustious and long suffering leader (Yeah Gaynor Gent !) I walked the Mollster round and threw her dummy (sadly, cap gun broke so had to shout!) then walked acrosss the field (ie through the long grass, not on a track) for about 1/3 the length

and sent her back. Straight there and straight back :) dropped a dummy there, didn't point it out but she probably noticed, then walked an extra 100 yards again through long grass and crossing a track. Sent her back and off she went. She turned down the track briefly then turned to ask and a 'back' sent her off, straight to the area and straight back :) Teasle then, had a dummy over the fence. I did have to get grumpy and throw her over but she eventually jumped back. Two more goes got her jumping straight over and straight back woo hoo!! Then a memory mark up the track but in cover and last of all another memory mark with a sit. Still slow on the sit but getting better. Then it was the Bramling's turn. I used a track, dropeed 2 dummies which she saw and walked a long way along the track. Sent her straight back and off she went, delivering the dummy really well. We walked another 100 yards and I sent her back again. She did stop to ask (and I fforgot to blow the whistle at that point) but then she went and came straight back. I then turned and threw the dummy further and turned and walked back along the track and over another track and past our original point. When I truned to send her I realised that it was at least as far as Molly had gone - but along a track. I sent her back and then stopped her. She turned slowly but sat down as soon as she had turned around. Best Day Ever!!!!!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Water water everywhere!

Great fun last evening! Took the three girls over to Knaptoft for water training. 

When we saw the cows in the field I was uneasy and Bramble was not impressed - barked for a while, but eventually settled down.

All three were rather excited since we had not don ethis for some time but eventually settled a little.

Molly, of course was quite happy to swim or retrieve on land.  Teasle shocked me by running in and then retrieveing happliy off water since she had not been in for over a year, and that was just after she had learned, rather unwillingly, to swim.

Bramble, although she swam a few weeks ago, was excited and then reluctant. She needed a little push, then, when everyone else had finished and moved off, did three fantastic retrieves.  I think my dogs just like evryone to think I am useless and a liar! :) work nicely in the fileds for me and then misbehave when anyone from dog training is watching!! :)

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Back to Training with a Vengeance!

Here we are, Toby is still with us as we haven't yet found a home good enough for him.  I am taking a lot of teasing about that!!! Toby is a super lad. Today he learned to climb the stairs and was too busy to come when called. However, a few minutes outside doing sit, stay and come and he quickly realised what was asked - to the extent that I got some nice photos too!! 
We have been falling in love with this boy. It's a shame that we can't really keep a boy with our 3 girls because I do love him so much, and he is being a dream to train.

Bramble, meanwhile, has been in need of attention. She has been growing rapidly and so looks so much older than Toby.  She loves playing with Toby and they have a great time.  However, we have been able to spend more time training and she is coming along really well.  She is very tall and slender and walks so elegantly now. I took her to the pond with Molly, thinking that Molly would get any dummies Bramble wouldn't - Teasle being a little reluctant, and Molly so keen. I need not have worried. Bramble took to it like a gundog to water! Not only did she swim on the second attempt - she was naturally a tad unsure on the first sojourn - but she brought the dummy straight to my hand and didn't bother to shake until much later on!!
Toby and Bramble

Bramble looks a bit like a cartoon dog here.  Bad angle for her - I will have to do some more photography to show how beautiful she really is!!

She is going to have a second opportunity this evening, so I hope that goes well too.

Molly is back on form.  On her first trip out to do some training, she was so happy! She has been out a few times now and is remembering what it is all about, including not having a little play whilst on a retrieve!!! Yesterday, she retrieved very well, stopping on the whistle even when she had seen a chocolate boy on his walk a few minutes earlier. She is going to love the water training this evening!!!

The boy and his mum. You can certainly see the likeness!! Toby looks much like his dad too. He certainly has his dark coat :)
Teasle has been having a little bit of the puppy food and the extra protein seems to have done her some good. She is much faster and quite cheeky recently!!!  I am hoping that will mean she will be happy to swim as previously she hasn't been too keen.  However, she is slowly getting a little quicker on the sit whistle and the recall as well as taking the hand signals more readily. 

Bramble and Teasle taking a well earned rest!!!

She is generally more willing to sit than lie down these days, but here continues to conserve her energy when in the garden!

From the left...Toby, Molly, Teasle with the usual crossed paws and Bramble.
The pack pose well...

...until Toby gets bored!!!

Having the time to spend with them all has made a great difference and I am hoping I will be able to fit in more working tests next year.  Meanwhile, the pack continues to be a great deal of fun.

From the rear and the left...Bramble, Molly, Teasle
All three were bullying the man of the house, but Molly and Bramble had the grace to stand when they heard me coming...Teasle, however, was far too focussed on Alistair's cake and stayed sitting pretty in the faint hope that he would share!!!

Monday 13 June 2011

Swift helps with the gardening

Swift and Bramble share a stalk  of grass

Swift helps with the pruning

Do you know, these vine leaves would go really well with some minced lamb - any chance of that???

Swift takes a walk.

After a virulent bug, at last I am almost up to blogging again. Poor Alistair having had to catch not only the dogs and everything else, but also the situation of redecorating the dining room that was set for half term week. Normally we would have put that off, but the guys had been booked to do the floor.  Three weeks later, it is all finished and I am almost back to relative normality.

Having had his final vaccination and we having a lunch date near Warwick, we set out on Saturday with both big girls staying home to have a relaxed day - after a good walk, and to be let out at lunch time and we loaded Bramble and Swift into the car. When we arrived, we found a lovely walk along the canal and through fields into the village of Long Itchington where we were to meet up. His first walk, he attracted the usual 'oohs' and 'aahs' of passing folk. Poor Bramble was once taken for his mum, at which she would have been most offended had she understood. However, it was quickly noticed that she, also is only a baby. Let off the lead in the field they were both really good. Bramble stayed close and Swift did also, while enjoying smelling the daisies and all sorts of other smells and then gambolling up to us with his paws too big for his little body so far and his gorgeous ears flapping generously!

We then wandered around the village searching for an open pub - they don't open there before 12md but we were very thirsty! Eventually we found ourselves at "The Buck and Belle". The pups went into the car with the back window open for them and water and promptly went to sleep.  We had a lovely meal - generous portions of Ploughmans and a lovely time catching up. Before dessert, the pups had their meal then it was a rather gorgeous Strawberry Pavlova before setting back.  The pups were very good on a second, short walk and lasted most of the journey back.  Swift grizzled this side of Leicester so we parked up and he did as he needed, then loaded up to get back home. Not one of the cleaning items had been required - what good pups!!

They were also very tired pups. After a hearty welcome from Teasle and Molly, dinner was dispensed folllowed by a very long sleep.  If only 4 dogs wasn't rather too many for our house, and I didn't have 3 girls and their relative seasons to deal with, I would love to keep Swift. He really enjoys playing with the girls and has just started to enjoy sitting calmly with a couple of toys in the conservatory when he has had his exercise.  Must take some more photos of him - he is rather growing at the moment.

We have just got back to walks with the dogs and mean to get right back into training.  The girls have been really good as regards heel work and recall. I am hoping to get out there with some dummies and do the good stuff.  A session just arranged on Friday yeah!!! Continuing with rolling the ball for Swift which he brings back readily - good boy!!

Saturday 28 May 2011

Karalenstar Swift - saving the best until last!

Hoping that none of his siblings are reading this, here is Karalenstar Swift - currently known here as Toby.  He is a beautiful boy who does enjoy a good chew!
Here he is trying to get something out of the pen where they play in safety out in the garden. He is wondering where his brother has gone and how to get that toy!!
Sitting pretty handsomely!
Posing for the camera quite nicely too!!
What a stunner!!
yup, i'm the greatest and I really love being cuddled !!
Now...back to that chewing!

Saturday 21 May 2011

Pack PLaytime

The three pupketeers do the gardening

Rolo and Harry share a weeding task - oops! that's the lawn!!!

Harry takes a break

...and family rumpus :)

Wednesday 18 May 2011

The Three Pupsketeers

I really should get down to some proper work, but mindful that I have not blogged in a couple of days, I will do a brief blog now.  At the weekend, Poppy and Lola left for their new homes.  Left with my 3 Pupsketeers, I brought them in to the house to start their crate training.  They are very quiet and although not so keen when they are on their own, do settle with a little company.  Not having sufficient space to have 3 individual crates, they are sharing the large one. The three of them settle nicely after their 10 pm last run until 6 am when I get up.  They don't, however, 'last' that long!  As they come out rather messy with the three in the cage, I have set them up with a small run in front of the door, covered in paper.  They do nip out to exercise themselves there and keep their cage clean, which is a bonus.  They still have the outdoor run which they love and are in there during the day, let out frequently to charge around the garden, sometimes with the older dogs and get quite close to the cats, but are already quite respectful of them. They aren't allowed to chase the cats so that they will hopefully be steady to rabbits, hares etc.
Toby Twobacca sleeping with his latest trophy.
Toby Toobs front left, now awake ... ever watchful, the pups always seem to hear the camera!!! There is Harry on the left, Lola snuggled up and Rolo at the back having a good roll around!

Heree is Toby Toobs trying to look like a proper dog!!

...and again here, but managing this time!!

Rolo tries to capture the empty, washed out, put out for recycling, custard pot!  Harry is coming to Rolo's aid...or is he just trying to beat both of them?

Rolo challenges Harry.  Harry doesn't notice ....embarrassing for Rolo!!
"Hello Mum!" Harry takes a moment to chat with mum!

Sunday 15 May 2011

... and then there were three!!!

Over the weekend, Bailey, Monty, Poppy and Lola have followed George and Skadi to their new home.  Three remain - Harry, Rolo and Toby Twobacca.  Toby has a vrey special lady coming along to visit him on Tuesday and is hoping to go home with her if she likes him.  For my part, I will be very sad to see him go, but I know he will have a very loving family.  Rolo and Harry will also be going to their new homes over the next 2 weeks.  Meanwhile the 3 musketeers are getting used to snuggling up in the crate in the utility room. Tonight will be their first night in so fingers crossed for a quiet night and getting them squeezed clean and dry before bed!! :)

Photos to follow!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Toby Swift and Bailey

Toby Toobacca here enjoying a treasured piece of bark. He has defended it against many looters!  He is busy working his way into our hearts and minds. He is not going to be a small dog but he is going to be a very loving dog!
Bailey looking like a proper dog with his dragon crease down his nose :)

Sisters - Poppy and Bramble play

Pilot Officer George Lark organises the escape committee

It is believed that Pilot Officer George, shown here, is responsible for organising 2 no, make that 3, daring escape plots today.  The first, this morning, was only noticed when one young man was discovered helping the guards (Molly, Teasle and Bramble) eat their breakfast.  He was only discovered due to his size - a bit of a giveaway really!

Later in the day, Molly brought another escape to the biped's notice when 2 pups were discoverd ranging the garden having parted the corner of one of the outdoor corrals!!!  All escapees were recaptured.  None had maps to the house and garden so couldn't find their way further than the back door! :)
Yet later that day...they got together to push the breeze block out and made their way through to freedom.  I spotted them on the rampage and all were recaptured.  It took some addition in defences to prevent another attempt to go over the wall.  Hopefully we are safe for tonight.  It is time these pups went to challenge and make life difficult for their new bipeds and guards!!!!

PO George practising his salute...hmmm!

At least the orientation is a touch better here!!!

Saturday 7 May 2011

Bramble sorts out the neighbours!!!

A party arrived at the bottom of our garden.  Bramble, puppy sitting as always, stood meaningfully looking in the direction of the noise. Four of the pups stood exactly like her. I never have the camera when I really need it! I would have loved to have n=been able to read their thoughts - it would have been something like..." Why are we standing like this?"  "Dunno, but if old Brams is doing it then it must be right." "Less of the old if you don't mind - I'm only 6 months!!!" "Yebbut, why are we standing like this?" "Looks cool tho' bro' doesn't it?" "Just checking for outlaws kids, think we're safe - the biped's here." " Thank goodness, my legs were starting to ache!"

A short while later, they party were concerned about their dog being at the bottom of the garden. I explained he or she was probably just interested in the activity. Bramble was less happy with this and let forth a very grown up bark or two. She stopped when told though. This was all followed by "oooohs" and "aahhhs" as everyone came to look at the pups! Of course the pups just captured Molly who had come out to check the fuss and didn't perform for their audience!!

Kiwi mounts a guard

Kiwi has obviously has heard about the nasty folk stealing puppies so is mounting guard from the fence watchtower :)

A day in the life of a puppy

First of all we get up and demand a run around, a feed off mum and then proper food.  After that - a snooze.

Later we have a play while the maid cleans the den.
Is this the way in then???

Then it's time for a snooze, but I do need to keep a watch out for monsters!
There are two uses for a sun lounger...snoozing on top and snoozing below :)

After a hard days play, a snack and then a snooze.  Hard life being a pup!
...and then it is back for a play then some food then a snooze....you get the idea - until it is time for a big dinner and a very long snooze until morning time.  Complicated eh?