Saturday, 7 May 2011

Bramble sorts out the neighbours!!!

A party arrived at the bottom of our garden.  Bramble, puppy sitting as always, stood meaningfully looking in the direction of the noise. Four of the pups stood exactly like her. I never have the camera when I really need it! I would have loved to have n=been able to read their thoughts - it would have been something like..." Why are we standing like this?"  "Dunno, but if old Brams is doing it then it must be right." "Less of the old if you don't mind - I'm only 6 months!!!" "Yebbut, why are we standing like this?" "Looks cool tho' bro' doesn't it?" "Just checking for outlaws kids, think we're safe - the biped's here." " Thank goodness, my legs were starting to ache!"

A short while later, they party were concerned about their dog being at the bottom of the garden. I explained he or she was probably just interested in the activity. Bramble was less happy with this and let forth a very grown up bark or two. She stopped when told though. This was all followed by "oooohs" and "aahhhs" as everyone came to look at the pups! Of course the pups just captured Molly who had come out to check the fuss and didn't perform for their audience!!

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