After a virulent bug, at last I am almost up to blogging again. Poor Alistair having had to catch not only the dogs and everything else, but also the situation of redecorating the dining room that was set for half term week. Normally we would have put that off, but the guys had been booked to do the floor. Three weeks later, it is all finished and I am almost back to relative normality.
Having had his final vaccination and we having a lunch date near Warwick, we set out on Saturday with both big girls staying home to have a relaxed day - after a good walk, and to be let out at lunch time and we loaded Bramble and Swift into the car. When we arrived, we found a lovely walk along the canal and through fields into the village of Long Itchington where we were to meet up. His first walk, he attracted the usual 'oohs' and 'aahs' of passing folk. Poor Bramble was once taken for his mum, at which she would have been most offended had she understood. However, it was quickly noticed that she, also is only a baby. Let off the lead in the field they were both really good. Bramble stayed close and Swift did also, while enjoying smelling the daisies and all sorts of other smells and then gambolling up to us with his paws too big for his little body so far and his gorgeous ears flapping generously!
We then wandered around the village searching for an open pub - they don't open there before 12md but we were very thirsty! Eventually we found ourselves at "The Buck and Belle". The pups went into the car with the back window open for them and water and promptly went to sleep. We had a lovely meal - generous portions of Ploughmans and a lovely time catching up. Before dessert, the pups had their meal then it was a rather gorgeous Strawberry Pavlova before setting back. The pups were very good on a second, short walk and lasted most of the journey back. Swift grizzled this side of Leicester so we parked up and he did as he needed, then loaded up to get back home. Not one of the cleaning items had been required - what good pups!!
They were also very tired pups. After a hearty welcome from Teasle and Molly, dinner was dispensed folllowed by a very long sleep. If only 4 dogs wasn't rather too many for our house, and I didn't have 3 girls and their relative seasons to deal with, I would love to keep Swift. He really enjoys playing with the girls and has just started to enjoy sitting calmly with a couple of toys in the conservatory when he has had his exercise. Must take some more photos of him - he is rather growing at the moment.
We have just got back to walks with the dogs and mean to get right back into training. The girls have been really good as regards heel work and recall. I am hoping to get out there with some dummies and do the good stuff. A session just arranged on Friday yeah!!! Continuing with rolling the ball for Swift which he brings back readily - good boy!!